LED Module Retrofit Case Four


Best Retrofit Process By Aozoom Engineer

This video gave you a direct idea on how to do the retrofit work of the original car reflectors. It is a typical modification example.

Following our engineer's guide, you will be able to modify the almost all the brand cars with original front assembly headlight with reflectors. But it is necessary to find your local professional car retrofit store or from our dealer's suggestion. Because some times it will need special tools or equipment like the ovens for heating to remove the front glass. Also there will need special lighting adjustment equipment to make sure the light pattern output is under the law standard. 

Questions? You’re covered!

Here we gave some typical frequently asked questions for your reference.

01. Can I do the retrofit work by myself?

Randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going passage of you need sure there anything make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.

You can check with our local dealer on how to do the retrofit work or find the special euqipments needed during the disassembly and assembly work.

All our products comes out from our factory with production tracking No., you can check with our dealers to confirm it. 

We are always ready to help you and answer your questions


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